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PA13/03532/PREAPP | Design and Planning Statement Amended Scheme 27112013 05/12/2013 | 14 Steamers


Land at 14 Steamers Hill, Angarrack, Hayle, Cornwall, TR27 5JB

      Extension & Conversion of Existing Garage to Create a Self-
                        Contained Dwelling.
                                                   Amended Scheme

                            Design & Access Statement

                                                             On behalf of:
                                                            Mrs Eileen Amos

                                                             November 2013
                                                              Prepared by:

                                                                                                   Venton Farmhouse
                                                                                                       Turnpike Road
                                                                                                           TR17 0DH
                                                                                                   Tel: 01736 710760

14 Steamers Hill, Angarrack - Planning & Design Statement                                                      Page 1

           Item Description                                            Page No.

           1.0         Introduction                                         3.

           2.0         Executive Summary                                    3.

           3.0         The Proposals                                        3.

           4.0         The Site                                             4.

           5.0         Planning History                                     4.

           6.0         Design & Access Statement                            4.

           7.0         Planning Framework                                   5.

           8.0         Principle of the Proposed Dwelling                   6.

           9.0         Critical Drainage Area- Flood Risk Assessment        6.

           10.0 Conclusion                                                  6.


1.0        Introduction

1.1        This Statement has been prepared by The Design & Planning Studio on behalf of Mrs E.
           Amos of 14 Steamers Hill, Angarrack.

1.2        This Statement examines the planning policy framework for this type of development and
           provides and explanation of the design process that has influenced the proposed scheme and
           considers its impact on the surrounding.

1.3        The following documents and drawings are submitted to accompany and support the
           planning application:-

                       1.          Application forms and Certificate (A) under Article 7;
                       2.          Plan reference: 13/0266-001 Location Plan;
                       3.          Plan reference: 13/0266-002 Topographic Survey;
                       4.          Plan reference: 13/0266-003 Plans & Elevations as Existing; and
                       5.          Plan reference: 13/0266-004 Plans & Elevations as proposed;

2.0        Executive Summary

2.1        The application seeks detailed planning permission to convert and extend the existing
           detached garage building to create a self-contained dwelling.

2.2        The proposal will demonstrate that there will be suitable outdoor amenity space and
           adequate on-site parking within the application site.

2.3        The application site is in a sustainable location appropriate for residential development and
           as such is supported by both national and local planning policies.

2.4        The proposal does not cause harm to the character of appearance of the area and will provide
           a reasonable residential environment for its occupants while not unduly affecting the
           amenities of neighbours.

3.0        The Proposals

3.1        It is proposed that the existing garage building, which is constructed from insulated cavity
           block walls, is extended to create a new first floor level with no extensions to the ground

3.2        The proposed conversion will create a well-proportioned residential dwelling with reverse
           accommodation comprising 2 bedrooms and a family bathroom on the ground floor and an
           open-plan living area and kitchen on the first floor.

3.3        The boundary between 14 Steamers Hill and the site naturally follows the top of the sloping
           bank. The scheme provides for a single on-site parking space utilising the existing vehicular
           access with adequate turning space within the plot.

4.0        The Site

4.1        The application site, which measures 0.02 hectares, comprises a detached garage building
           with a shallow pitched roof and rendered walls. The site is located at a higher level than the
           main dwelling at No. 14 which is located to the south west of the site with a domestic garden
           in between.

4.2        The character of the immediate surrounding is relatively high density at this central location
           of the village with a variety of building styles and situations in relation to the highway.

4.3        There are a number of mature trees on the site mostly located in the sloping bank which
           separates the site from the garden below.

4.4        The site is not within a Conservation Area.

5.0        Planning History

5.1        In May of this year, Cornwall Council extended the time for the conversion of the garage to
           form annexed accommodation originally approved under W1/10-0308-HP dated 4th May

6.0        Design & Access Statement

           Effect of the proposed development on other properties and people

6.1        The new dwelling will occupy the footprint of the existing garage building. Being some
           distance from facing away neighbouring properties, we do not expect there to be significant
           overbearing impacts on neighbouring properties or people. The proposal will allow for
           adequate amenity space around the new dwelling.

           The extent to which the development takes into account the character of the existing
           building and surrounding buildings

6.2        The new dwelling will respond to the simple architectural styles of its surroundings.
           External materials have been carefully selected so that the new dwelling will have a
           contemporary appearance with natural slates for the roof cladding and windows and doors
           having a high specification with traditional designs.

           The orientation of the new development

6.3        As mentioned earlier, the proposed dwelling follows the footprint of the existing garage

           Overlooking or privacy issues

6.4        The proposed new dwelling is some considerable distance from nearby residential dwellings
           and as such we do not expect the development to cause any significant harm to the occupiers
           of neighbouring properties in terms of overlooking.

           The scale of the proposed development

6.5        The new first floor level is partially within the roof space. Therefore, the total increase in
           ridge height is very modest.

           Landscaping or boundary features

6.6        It is proposed that the existing parapet wall is retained to provide privacy and physical
           boundary to the garden. A 1800mm high close-boarded fence will be located between the
           new dwelling and No. 14. Some of the trees located on the sloping bank will need to be
           removed to facilitate the new driveway.

           Access for potential users including the young, elderly and disabled people

6.7        The development will fully accord with the relevant parts of the Building Regulations in
           respect of access for all users. Within the building, the spaces have been designed to allow
           access for wheelchair users via wide corridors and door openings. In particular, there would
           be level access which would meet the criteria for “lifetime homes” by providing
           accommodation, space and facilities suitable for a person with a disability.

7.0        Planning Framework

7.1        The Development Plan for the area in which the application falls includes the Cornwall
           Structure Plan (CSP) and the Penwith Local Plan (DLP).

7.2        The relevant policies in the CSP area:

           1. Delivering Sustainable Developments
           2. Character Areas, Design and Environment Protection
           3. Use of Resources.
           8. Housing
           10. Location of Housing Developments
           28. Accessibility

7.3        The relevant policies in the PLP

           GD-1 Scale and Suiting of Developments
           GD-2 Design and Layout of Developments
           GD-5 Highways
           TV-1 Focus of Development in Towns and Villages
           H-2 Protection of the Built Environment
           H-6 Housing in Villages
           TP-12 Car Parking Provision

7.4        Other material considerations in this application are statements of the Government's
           National Planning policies in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the
           Cornwall Design Divide for Residential Development.

8.0        Principle of the Proposed Dwelling

8.1        As far as the principle of residential development on the site is concerned, CSP policy 26
           and paragraph 55 of the NPPF accept that new housing can be provided in villages. The
           most detailed Development Plan policy is PLP Policy H-6. This policy names Angarrack as
           a village where new housing is acceptable if:

                        ●     The proposal is for 1 to 2 houses;
                        ●     The site is "wholly within the village"; and
                        ●     The site does not from part of a larger underdeveloped area

8.2        The application site is clearly within a sustainable location within the village, and is well-
           related to its facilities, services and public transport.

8.3        The proposal therefore follows the principles for sustainable development, especially
           housing, in the NPPF whose paragraphs 14 and 55 establish the import presumption in
           favour of sustainable development like this. It also accords with the principles in CSP
           Policy 1.

8.4        Turning PLP Policy H-6, the proposed dwelling clearly satisfies all three parts and in
           conclusion, the application is considered to be acceptable in principle.

9.0        Critical Drainage Area- Flood Risk Assessment

9.1        This assessment is required by the Environment Area as the area in which the proposed
           development is located is designation as a 'Critical Drainage Area'. In these locations, it is
           expected that flood risk from surface water run-off is likely to be most significant.

9.2        The application site is currently a detached garage within an area of the applicant's garden
           which is used for parking. The frontage to the garage is an impervious concrete hard-
           standing for parking for up to 2 vehicles and is bordered by a concrete block wall.

9.3        It is proposed that the new dwelling will benefit from parking spaces which will be
           surfaced with permeable concrete block paving to act as rainwater soakaways and as such,
           this change will significantly improve the current situation.

9.4        All rainwater being shed off the roof of the proposed new dwelling will discharge into on-
           site soakways which will be located within the grounds of the new dwelling and as such, the
           proposal will not increase the risk of flooding elsewhere in the vicinity.

10.0 Conclusion

10.1       In light of the above statement, the proposed dwelling is considered to accord with relevant
           Development Plan Policies. Other material considerations do not indicate otherwise but
           instead support it, especially the NPPF because of the presumption in favour of development
           like this.

10.2       We believe that the proposed development is entirely concurrent with both National and
           local planning policies as we have demonstrated that the development exhibits a high quality
           design that will sit comfortably within the local setting. There will be no detrimental
           impacts on neighbouring properties and the site is located within a sustainable location.

10.3       Consequently, our client's application seeking approval of the Detailed Planning Permission
           should be granted subject to appropriate safeguarding conditions by virtue of the statutory
           duty in Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

14 Steamers Hill, Angarrack - Planning & Design Statement                                              Page 7

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