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PA17/04218 | Amended Design for a Sustainable Home, Plot 2 , Steamers Meadow, Angarrack and new double garage - Land Adjacent To

Amended Design for a Sustainable Home, Plot 2 , Steamers Meadow, Angarrack and new double garage - Land Adjacent To 3 Steamers Meadow Steamers Meadow Angarrack TR27 5GY

Ref. No: PA17/04218 | Received date: Thu 04 May 2017 | Status: Pending Consideration | Case Type: Planning Application


Mr Matt Robinson

Building Control Email Contact
Mobile Phone 07795 560907
Phone 01326 221130

Case Number :

  Name or Detail Received Date
Application Form 04/05/2017
  Name or Detail Received Date
SDQ 22/05/2017
  Name or Detail Received Date
275/011 Proposed Block Plan and Sections 04/05/2017
275/015 Proposed Floor Plans, Roof Plan, Cross Section and Elevations 04/05/2017
275/130 Proposed Floor Plans, Block Plan, Sections and Elevations 04/05/2017
  Name or Detail Received Date
275 rev 001 22/05/2017
  Name or Detail Received Date
275/101 23/05/2017
  Name or Detail Received Date
Design and Access Statement 04/05/2017
  Name or Detail Received Date
Planning Statement 04/05/2017


Text of Planning Statement - via OCR - please check original

GOLAY Planning
7 Tolview Terrace Hayle Cornwall TR27 4AG Tel 07503 211642 Email Web

Planning Statement

for Mr and Mrs Barrie King

Amended Design to a Proposed Sustainable Home
Plot 2 Steamers Meadow, Angarrack, TR27 5GY

Client Mr and Mrs Barrie King
Report Number Planning Statement
Date 27 April 2017
Status Final
Author(s) Mr Andrew Golay MRTPI


Background ...................................................1
The Site .........................................................2
Policy .............................................................2
Assessment ...................................................4
Flood Risk ......................................................6
Appendix A LDC PA10/03349…………………........
Appendix B PA13/00555/PREAPP…………………….
Page 1


Under planning reference number 1/93/P/0322/F, full and detailed planning permission was granted
in July 1993 for the construction of two dwellings at plots 2 and 3, on land at Grist Lane.
1993 approved plans

A lawful development certificate (LDC PA10/03349) was subsequently granted on the 22 October
2010. This certifies that the development which was approved under decision notice 1/93/P/0322/F
was commenced, that the planning permission remains valid, and therefore plot 2 could be lawfully
completed. (APPENDIX A)

This was corroborated by the Council during consideration of a preapplication enquiry
(PA13/00555/PREAPP) whereby the case officer confirms:

A certificate of lawfulness application was granted under decision notice number PA10/03349 which
has established that a dwelling can be lawfully constructed on plot 2… This is therefore a material
consideration in determining any application on the site as the principle of a dwelling in this location
remains extant. (APPENDIX B)

The extant development involves the construction of a house on ‘stilts’ with large verandas and a
fixed floor level 2m (approx.) above the natural ground level. This current proposal seeks an
amendment to the extant design at plot 2 which is illustrated on the above layout and the drawings
on the next page.

Page 2

The Site and Proposal

The site is located within Angarrack Village at the east of Hayle. It comprises an area of undeveloped
land adjoining the western edge of the village. Access is gained via an existing surfaced drive which
leads off the main highway and serves two existing dwellings. The site is relatively level and exhibits
grassed areas fringed with occasional trees and vegetation. The Angarrack Stream runs along the
north boundary of the site.

As explained, the site benefits from an extant planning permission for a single dwelling in the
following design. The proposal seeks design amendments as set out in the Design and Access
Statement and assessed against planning policy in the following sections of this report.
Plot 2 approved plans – extant permission proven lawful under LDC PA10/03349


The National Planning Policy Framework (the Framework)
The Framework’s Ministerial Foreword outlines that sustainable development is about positive
growth and development that is sustainable should go ahead without delay.

Paragraph 14 states that at the heart of the Framework is a presumption in favour of sustainable
development; this is the golden thread running through both plan making and decision-taking. Local
Plans should meet assessed needs and provide for flexibility.

Development proposals that accord with the development plan should be approved without delay.
Where the development plan is absent, silent or relevant policies are out-of-date, permission should
be granted unless adverse impacts significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, or policies
in this Framework indicate development should be restricted.

Page 3

Paragraph 17 outlines 12 core planning principles; it states that planning should not be about scrutiny
but should be a creative exercise that seeks to secure high quality design and a good standard of
amenity for all existing, and future occupants of land and buildings. The paragraph highlights the
essential need to take account of the character of different areas and recognise the intrinsic
character and beauty of the countryside.

Paragraphs 56 and 58 echo this and state that the Government attaches great importance to design
and making places better for people through, amongst other things, creating areas that function well
and add to the overall quality, establishing a strong sense of place while responding to local
character, and creating safe and accessible environments.

At Section 6, paragraph 47 of the Framework seeks to significantly boost the supply of housing;
paragraph 50 aims to deliver a wide choice of high quality homes and widen opportunities for home
ownership including meeting the needs of people wishing to build their own homes; and paragraph
49 outlines that housing applications should be considered in the context of the presumption in
favour of sustainable development.

Paragraph 54 says that local planning authorities should be responsive to local circumstances and
plan housing development to reflect local needs. Paragraph 55 says that housing in rural areas should
be located where it will enhance or maintain the vitality of communities and that isolated homes in
the countryside should be avoided unless there are special circumstances. In particular, paragraph 55
recognises that where there are groups of smaller settlements, development in one village may
support services in a village nearby.

Paragraph 61 says that planning policies and decisions should address the connections between
people and places and ensure the integration of new development into the natural, built and historic

Paragraph 100 says that inappropriate development in areas at risk of flooding should be avoided, but
where development is necessary, making it safe without increasing flood risk elsewhere.

The Cornwall Local Plan 2010-2030 (CLP)
Policy 1 The Presumption in favour of sustainable development
The policy stresses that the Council will take a positive approach that reflects the presumption in
favour of sustainable development. Planning applications that accord with the policies in this Local
Plan will be regarded as sustainable development and be approved, unless material considerations
indicate otherwise. Where there are no policies relevant to the application, the Council will grant
permission unless adverse impacts would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, or
specific policies in the Framework indicate that development should be restricted.

Policy 2 Spatial Strategy
This policy states that the Local Plan strategy is to maintain a dispersed development pattern across
Cornwall and provide homes and jobs based on the role and function of each place. Development
should meet the stated objectives: respect and enhance quality of place; provide solutions to current
and future issues; generate and sustain economic activity.

Policy 2a Key Targets
This policy sets a minimum target of 52,500 homes with an average build rate of 2,625 per year to
ensure future housing requirements are met.

Page 4

Policy 3 Role and function of places
Policy 3 provides for a responsive, flexible approach to the distribution of development across
Cornwall. The introduction of the policy reasserts that ‘the scale and mix of uses of development and
investment in services and facilities should be based on the role and function of places.’

Paragraph 1.64 of the CLP sets out the clear policy intention for new housing in Cornwall’s rural
communities: Development would be expected to focus upon meeting local need and supporting the
sustainability of smaller communities through windfall development, including infill sites and
exceptions sites. Development should be of a scale and nature appropriate to the character, role and
needs of the local community. (Paragraph 1.64)

Policy 7 Housing in the countryside
This policy provides restrictions for housing development within the open countryside, stating that
the ‘development of new homes in the open countryside will only be permitted where there are
special circumstances.’ This policy accords with the NPPF paragraph 55.

Policy 12 Design
This policy sets out that Cornwall Council is committed to achieving high quality safe, sustainable and
inclusive design in all developments.

Policy 26 Flood risk management and coastal change
The policy states the approach to Cornwall Council will take to reducing the risks of flooding and
climate change. In particular, the policy encourages an approach that minimises or reduces flood risk
on site and within the wider area.

The Hayle Neighbourhood Plan
The Hayle Neighbourhood Plan is nearing a stage of completion. In January 2017, a pre-submission
version was published online prior to its refinement, examination and then formal adoption as part of
the Development Plan for the area.

Contained within the draft plan, the main policies relevant to the proposal include: SD2 Design and
Layout of Residential Development, POLICY NE1 Local Gaps (Angarrack and the east of Hayle); POLICY
NE3 Development in Keeping with its Landscape Setting; POLICY NE8 Protection of Trees; and POLICY
NE9 Cornish Hedges.

The principle for development on the site has been established by way of the extant permission
which provides a realistic ‘fall-back’ option should this amended design be refused. This newly refined
proposal enables opportunities for improvement to provide a sustainable contemporary dwelling.
While there is no proposed net increase in permitted dwellings on the site, the main area for
assessment is the effects of the new design on the local area.

Details of the design philosophy are provided within the Design and Access Statement which
accompanies the application. The appearance of the new building is not dissimilar to that already
approved. The proposed fixed floor level is about 1.4m above the natural ground level, situated on
raised piers, and in a similar position as permitted. It would be a timber framed house with dormer
windows, and a steeply pitched roof in natural slate. Accommodation would be over 2 storeys with
the first-floor bedrooms in the envelope of the pitched roof. A stone featured gable-end and chimney
breast provide modest attraction on the south aspect. The overall height of the building within the
landscape would be reduced by 1.06m. The building is not situated especially near to neighbouring
dwellings and there would be no significant impact on these surrounding uses.

Page 5

The existing access drive leading up to the main road (Grist Lane)

Design improvements can be provided to mitigate the risks of flooding. The FRA recommends a
suitable drainage strategy to manage runoff to existing levels and provide improved water
containment on site. Furthermore, through responding to the detailed analysis of flood volume and
velocities, safer escape routes can be provided to dry areas. Occupants could be signed up to the
Environment Agency’s Flood Warning Service with an evacuation plan in place. Electrical services can
be brought down from ceilings on the ground floor and non-return valves on sewers would prevent
back-flows. Boilers, controls and water storage would be installed at first floor level or above and the
plumbing insulation would be a closed-cell design.

The proposed NW area of garden to remain largely unchanged.
The vehicle and pedestrian access would be identical to that already permitted and in use while
successfully serving Plots 1 and 3. From the existing access, a short drive and parking area would be
provided with permeable surfacing.

Page 6

In terms of the proposed landscaping, the site area is currently grassed and bordered with domestic
trees and vegetation on the hedges. This would not change unduly through the course of
development and the main noticeable differences would include improved maintenance and thinning
out of overgrown areas. Natural ground levels would not change to any significant measure.
Existing domestic planting located centrally in the site.

Flood Risk
Informing the new designs, a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) has been carried out and with the final
report submitted as part of the application. (Ambiental Phase 1 FRA Aug 2016)

The site falls within Flood Zone 3 and as part of the FRA a bespoke hydraulic model has been
undertaken to determine the potential flood hazard.

The finished design has been refined while taking into account these technical findings. The FRA
confirms that no construction will take place within 8m of the River; finished floor levels will be
300mm above the maximum flood depth; and risks to people and property can be further reduced
through the implementation of flood warning procedures and an evacuation plan.

In accordable with the NPPF paragraphs 100 to 103, the amended design provides appropriate
mitigation (including adequate warning and evacuation procedures) which can be maintained for its
lifetime. The proposal would therefore be made safe and without increasing flood risk elsewhere.

Permission has already been granted for a new dwelling on the site. This new dwelling could be
lawfully constructed (LDC PA10/03349) on the site under the terms of the extant planning permission.
The new proposal is simply an amendment to the existing approved design. While there is no net
increase in new dwellings, it would not be appropriate to apply the sequential and exceptions tests.

Page 7

The site is within a sustainable location and is situated where an extant permission exists for the
construction of a dwelling. This proposal seeks amendment to that existing approved design.

The new design responds to flood risks and provides measures to further reduce risk and ensure the
dwelling remains safe for its lifetime.

Following the general style of the approved design, the new designs respond to the context and
would integrate within the local character.

Access to the site would be as existing and the new design would cause no significant impact on
neighbouring dwellings.

It is submitted that the proposal accords with the Development Plan for the area while providing for
sustainable development, and there are no material considerations to the contrary.

Andrew Golay MRTPI
27 April 2017
Appendix A LDC PA10/03349

Planning and Regeneration Service
Cornwall Council
Dolcoath Avenue Camborne Cornwall TR14 8SX
Stephen Payne Planning Ltd
43 Lemon Street
Your ref:
My ref: PA13/00555/PREAPP
Date: 19 April 2013
Dear Sir/Madam
enquiry reference
Proposal Pre-application query regarding erection of 2 dwellings
Location Land At Steamers Meadow Angarrack Hayle Cornwall
Applicant Mr E Ward
I refer to your enquiry received on 19 February 2013 concerning the above and
would inform you that this letter is written on the basis of the information supplied
with your enquiry and the submitted drawings.
I refer to your recently submitted pre-application advice form and attached details
received 19 February in connection with land at Steamers Meadow, Angarrack.
Following our meeting at the site on 26 March I have now had the opportunity to
assess the site and review the site planning history and policy context. I can now
advise you as follows.
Site and context:
The site itself comprises an area of undeveloped land on the western edge of the
village of Angarrack. Access to the site is gained via the existing access track to the
south of the site which serves two existing dwellings. The site is set at a lower
ground level to the highway to the south but the plot is relatively flat and level. There
are some trees and hedges along the borders of the site with some smaller trees
scattered across the site, running along the northern boundary of the site is an
existing stream.
Critical Drainage Area
Flood Zone 2
Flood Zone 3
Functional Floodplain 3b
River Bank Top Buffer
Site Planning History:
o W1/93/P/0321 - Plot 1 - Construction of dwelling, formation of access -
Approved 12.07.1993
o W1/93/P/0322 - Plots 2 & 3 - Construction of two dwellings and formation of
access - Approved 12.07.1993
Appendix B PA13/00555/PREAPP……………........
Page 2
19 April 2013
o W1/95/P/0150 - Plot 1 Construction of timber dwelling and formation of access
- Approved 13.04.1995
o PA10/03349 - Lawful Certificate for Proposed Use in respect of construction of
dwelling - Approved 22.10.2010
Proposal summary:
The proposal is for the construction of two dwellings on the plot of land which would
comprise timber dwellings raised on stilts. The submitted plans show that each
dwelling would measure a maximum of 9.5 metres by 16.5 metres and would be
finished with timber clad walls and a natural slate roof. The submitted details show
two proposed layouts indicating the dwellings would either be detached or semidetached. The dwellings would comprise two storey properties which would be 4
bedroom dwellings with a detached domestic garage.
Relevant Planning Policies:
Your pre-application submission has been considered against local and national
policies, which in this instance includes the following relevant documents. This list is
not exhaustive but provides a focus for the key issues against which the scheme
should be considered.
National Planning Policy Framework 2012:
Section 4: Promoting Sustainable transport
Section 6: Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes
Section 7: Requiring good design
Section 10: Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change
Section 11: Conserving and enhancing the natural environment
Cornwall Structure Plan 2004, saved policies:
01 Principle for Sustainable Development
02 Character Areas, Design & Environmental Protection
08 Housing
10 Location of Housing Development
26 Rural Areas
28 Accessibility
Penwith Local Plan 2004
GD1 Integration of development with surroundings
GD2 Design and layout of development
GD5 Requirements for safe movement of traffic
TV1 Focus of development on main towns, maximisation of use of previously
developed land, protection of character/setting
TV4 Prevention of loss of/damage to trees
H6 Development in Villages
H18 Design and layout of residential development
Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010-2030 - Pre-submission document - March
Policy 1 Presumption in favour of sustainable development
Policy 2 Key targets and spatial strategy
Page 3
19 April 2013
Policy 3 Role and function of places
Policy 8 Affordable housing
Policy 13 Design
Policy 14 Development standards
Policy 22 Best use of land and existing buildings
Policy 23 Natural environment
Policy 26 Flood risk management and coastal change
Policy PP2 Hayle and St Ives CNA
Supplementary Planning Guidance:
Cornwall Design Guide for Residential Development
The site has previous planning history as it formed part of a plot for three dwellings
dating back to 1993. Plots 1 and 3 have been developed with detached dwellings
erected on them but plot 2 has not had anything constructed on it. A certificate of
lawfulness application was granted under decision notice number PA10/03349 which
has established that a dwelling can be lawfully constructed on plot 2. The reason for
this is that it formed part of an application for two dwellings (plots 2 and 3) and
therefore as plot 3 was commenced the permission remains extant. This is therefore
a material consideration in determining any application on the site as the principle of
a dwelling in this location remains extant.
The site is situated on the edge of the village of Angarrack with housing located to
the south and south-east elevations. The proposed plans show two layouts
comprising either detached dwellings or a pair of semi-detached dwellings. The
design of the buildings is quite unique such that they would better be served by
being detached from one another. Policy has recently changed through the
publication of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010-2030 - Pre-submission
Document - March 2013 which supports an appropriate level of growth in
communities. The NPPF seeks sustainable development that is well integrated with its
surroundings. Policy H6 of the Penwith Local Plan 2004 supports growth in Angarrack
provided that it has built development on three sides. While the site would not accord
with this policy I would attach greater weight to the emerging Cornwall Plan and on
the justification for the proposal which would essentially from a rounding off of this
section of the village. The dwellings should be positioned towards the south-east end
of the site in order that development is more concentrated together and does not
begin to creep out into the rural landscape to the west.
Affordable Housing
I would draw your attention to policy 8 of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies
2010-2030 - Pre-submission Document - March 2013 which relates to the provision
of affordable housing and requires that on housing schemes for two or more units a
provision of 40% of the units should be affordable dwellings.
Flood Risk
A key issue on this site is that it is located within Flood Zones 2, 3 and the functional
floodplain 3b. As such I would refer you to the National Planning Policy Framework
Page 4
19 April 2013
2012 paragraphs 100-103 and the Technical Guidance to the National Planning Policy
Framework which sets out the procedure for sites within Flood Zones which requires
developers to follow the sequential and exception tests. As discussed at the site visit
you will need to supply this and a Flood Risk assessment in order to alleviate any
concerns from the Environment Agency. Until such time as the site is shown to not be
at an unacceptable risk from flooding I would advise that we would have an objection
to the further development of this land. The onus is therefore on the developer to
show that the site is suitably safe.
Visual Impact
The design of the dwellings comprises a contemporary designed dwelling which is
similar in scope to the design of plot 1 which comprises a timber dwelling constructed
on poles. The site is screened from public viewpoints such that the site is not visible
to members of the public from the highways. The area has a mixture of house types
such that there is no predominant style and in this location the design of the
dwellings should fit with the natural landscape of the area. On balance I consider that
the proposed designs can be considered acceptable in the context of their
surroundings when it is considered that plot 1 comprises a similar style of property.
Highway Safety
I have consulted with the Highways officer who advises that the access has
constrained emerging visibility onto Grist Lane, however this is similar to the majority
of the dwellings in the vicinity and does not appear to result in a highway safety
issue, he would recommend that any application provided turning and parking for two
cars per unit. Given the proposed layout this is to be incorporated in such a
development and I would advise that therefore the proposal will not impact upon
highway safety
Community Engagement
It would be advisable to contact the immediate neighbours if you are wishing to
progress with an application in order to discuss the proposal. In addition you are
advised to contact Hayle Town council to discuss your proposal with them, they may
be able to offer advice as to whether your scheme would be supportable by them or
raise any likely objections to the development.
Supporting Documents
At least the following information will be required to validate a planning application:
Planning application form
Ownership certificates
Agricultural holding certificate
The correct fee
Site location plan
Block plan
Floor Plans
Design and Access Statement
Flood Risk Assessment
Page 5
19 April 2013
Sequential/Exception test
The full validation list can be found on the Councils website via the following link:
I trust this information is of use. However, please be aware that this advice only
constitutes an officer's opinion. Any advice given by Council officers for preapplication enquiries does not indicate a formal decision by the Council as local
planning authority. Any views or opinions expressed are given in good faith, and to
the best of ability, without prejudice to the formal consideration of any planning
application following statutory public consultation, the issues raised and evaluation of
all available information.
You should therefore be aware that officers cannot give guarantees about the final
formal decision that will be made on your planning or related applications. However,
the advice issued will be considered by the Council as a material consideration in the
determination of future planning related applications, subject to the proviso that
circumstances and information may change or come to light that could alter the
position. It should be noted that the weight given to pre-application advice notes will
decline over time.
Please contact the Councils Building Control Section concerning any consent that may
be required under the Building Regulations.
You should note that this letter does not constitute a formal decision by the Council
(as local planning authority). It is only an officer’s opinion given in good faith, and
without prejudice to the formal consideration of any planning application. However,
the advice note issues will be considered by the Council as a material consideration in
the determination of future planning related applications, subject to the proviso that
circumstances and information may change or come to light that could alter the
position. It should be noted that the weight given to pre-application advice notes will
decline over time.
Yours faithfully
Martin Jose
Development Officer
Planning and Regeneration Service
Tel: 01209 614486


275/011 Proposed Block Plan and Sections
275/015 Proposed Floor Plans, Roof Plan, Cross Section and Elevations
275/130 Proposed Floor Plans, Block Plan, Sections and Elevations
275 rev 001 | PLAN - PROPOSED BLOCK
LDC PA10/03349 | 1/93/P/0322/F, full and detailed planning permission was granted in July 1993 for the construction 1/93/P/0322/F, full and detailed planning permission granted July 1993 for construction of two dwellings plots 2 and 3, land at Grist Lane

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